Posted on 2/18/2021

We've all been there; we get busy and forget to fill up the gas tank. Suddenly, the low fuel indicator comes on and you're not sure how far you can go. Of course, the rule of the thumb is to gas up if your tank goes below a quarter. Often, the older a person gets, the more they adhere to that rule because of learning the hard way that running out of gas is a major inconvenience. Not only are you in for possibly a long walk in awful weather, but running out of gas on the freeway or a blind turn is actually dangerous. Did you know you also run the risk of ruining your catalytic converter if you run out of gas? On average, the replacement cost is between $945 and $2475 (including parts and labor). And if you're one of those types that often runs on fumes, you're slowly damaging your fuel pump with repair running between $725 and $900, on average. The good news is that you probably have at least 25 to 30 miles left in the tank when the indicator light comes on. In ... read more